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Hozirgi vaqtda UZDIGITAL TV kompaniyasi jismoniy shaxslar uchun Toshkent, Toshkent viloyatida ko'rish mumkin bo'lgan "Layt", "Bazaviy", "Miks"  va "Miks-T2*", "Premium*"  telekanall paketini taklif etadi. (*Miks-T2, Premium* telekanallar paketi DVB-T2 standartida taqdim etiladi).

Farg'ona, Andijon, Namangan,  Qashqadaryo, Xorazm, Jizzax, Surxondaryo, Sirdaryo viloyatlari va Qoraqalpog'iston Respublikasida "Super ekonom", "Layt", "Bazaviy" va "Miks" telekanallar paketi mavjud. (telekanallar DVB-T2 standartida taqdim etiladi).
Samarqand, Buxoro, Navoiy viloyati hududida "Super ekonom", "Layt", "Bazaviy", "Miks" va "Miks-T2", "Super Miks"  telekanallar paketi mavjud (telekanallar DVB-T2 standartida taqdim etiladi).

Yuridik shaxslar uchun: Toshkent, Toshkent viloyatida ko'rish mumkin bo'lgan "Layt", "Bazaviy", "Miks"  va "Miks-T2*", "Premium*" telekanall paketini taklif etadi. (*Miks-T2, Premium* telekanallar paketi DVB-T2 standartida taqdim etiladi).

Farg'ona, Andijon, Namangan, Buxoro, Navoiy, Qashqadaryo, Xorazm, Jizzax, Surxondaryo, Sirdaryo viloyatlari va Qoraqalpog'iston Respublikasida "Layt", "Bazaviy" va "Miks" telekanallar paketi mavjud. (telekanallar DVB-T2 standartida taqdim etiladi).
Samarqand, Buxoro, Navoiy viloyati hududida "Layt", "Bazaviy", "Miks" va "Miks-T2", "Super Miks" telekanallar paketi mavjud (telekanallar DVB-T2 standartida taqdim etiladi).

Uskunalar va sarf materiallari narxlari haqida batafsil ma`lumot.


Calculate plan


To watch digital television, you need to install special equipment that supports modern broadcasting standards. These can be digital receivers or conditional access modules, as well as a UHF antenna for receiving a stable signal.



In the coverage area

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Coverage area

TV programmes

Modern technologies with EPG function will allow you to watch on time and not miss your favorite shows and films, make plans for viewing for the weekend and keep abreast of events.

All programmes

Types of payment

You can pay for connection to UZDIGITAL TV services at ALOQABANK ticket offices in cash, as well as by means of plastic cards (only UzCARD).

Check account number  

Название сервиса

Название сервиса

Название сервиса

Название сервиса

Название сервиса

Название сервиса

Название сервиса

Название сервиса

Название сервиса

Название сервиса


The "Instructions" section contains various instructions for more convenient setup and use of your equipment for watching digital television, as well as instructions for tuning frequencies and TV channels.

See all the instructions

FAQ frequently asked questions

What do I need to do to connect to digital TV services?

To connect, you must contact one of the company's offices. You can also sign a contract with one of the representatives of Official Distributors.

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How much does it cost to connect to UZDIGITAL TV today?

The connection cost is mainly determined by the cost of hardware. At the moment, we have the ability to connect subscribers with built-in digital DVB-T/T2 tuners in TVs. To do this, you need to purchase a special TeleCARD device compatible with your TV model from one of our company's offices or from Official Distributors.

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What is the monthly subscription fee?

Abonent to'lovi paket va telekanallar soniga qarab o'zgaradi. Bugungi kunda Toshkent shahri va Toshkent viloyatida beshta telekanal paketiga ulanish amalga oshirilmoqda, ya'ni: "Layt", "Bazaviy", "Miks", "Miks T2" va "Premium". Buxoro, Samarqand va Navoiy viloyatlarida ulanish oltita telekanal paketiga amalga oshiriladi, ya'ni: "Super econom", "Layt", "Bazaviy", "Miks", "Super miks" va "Miks T2"ga . Boshqa viloyatlarda ulanish 4 ta telekanal paketiga amalga oshiriladi, ya'ni "Super econom", "Layt", "Bazaviy" va "Miks"ga. Telekanallarning har bir to'plami milliy davlat va tijorat telekanallarini abonent to'lovisiz o'z ichiga oladi; "Super Econom" - jismoniy shaxslar uchun 9000 so'm abonent to'lovi; "Layt"- jismoniy shaxslar uchun 23 000 so'm va yuridik shaxslar uchun 25 000 so'm abonent to'lovi; "Bazaviy"-jismoniy shaxslar uchun 27 000 so'm va yuridik shaxslar uchun 30 000 so'm abonent to'lovi; "Miks"- jismoniy shaxslar uchun 30 000 so'm va yuridik shaxslar uchun 35 000 so'm abonent to'lovi. "Miks T2"- jismoniy shaxslar uchun 35 000 so'm va yuridik shaxslar uchun 40 000 so'm abonent to'lovi."Super miks"- jismoniy shaxslar uchun 38 000 so'm va yuridik shaxslar uchun 42 000 so'm abonent to'lovi. "Premium" - jismoniy shaxslar uchun 40 000 so'm va yuridik shaxslar uchun 45 000 so'm abonent to'lovi.

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All answers to questions

Check TV for Uzdigital connection

The "Instructions" section contains various instructions for more convenient setup and use of your equipment for watching digital television, as well as instructions for tuning frequencies and TV channels.

How do you assess the quality of our services?